
键盘侠|中计了?杜兰特被利用 跳入阿迪精心设计的营销陷阱

发布日期:2025-01-04 10:45    点击次数:71

直播吧12月2日讯 球鞋媒体Nice Kicks晒出了森林狼球星、阿迪达斯旗下代言人爱德华兹近期的一段采访。采访中被问及最希望哪位球员穿自己的签名鞋时,华子给出的答案的KD,不过他也表示知道KD在Nike,但还是希望后者能够穿自己的鞋子,而且是在比赛中穿。杜兰特随后转发了这段采访,并断然拒绝道:“永远不可能看到我把脚伸进这破垃圾鞋里(Mfers=mother f*ckers)!”随后,阿迪达斯官推回复道:“反正你很快就要退役了。”阿迪官推的“诅咒”言论很快发酵,美媒纷纷转发,大约半小时后阿迪删除了这段回复。不过删推不代表认怂,阿迪官推再回复KD:本来打算用小号发的 [–]Thunderrumblegod 207 points 9 hours agoThese brands being personalities is so interesting雷霆球迷:球鞋品牌官方账号竟然还带个人情绪的,太逗了~~[–]twAretha22 4 points 6 hours agoCalling KD dusty is crazy guy needs to post a picture of himself right now to the public球迷:叫杜兰特“老骨灰”也太过分了!这个阿迪账号运营该速速把自己的照片放到网上,供咱们所有人唾弃!注:阿迪达斯官推回复杜兰特用到了“dusty”这个词 [–]huejass5 18 points 9 hours agoAveraging 30ppg hardly dusty球迷:场均30分的老骨灰上哪儿找去啊!注:本赛季至今,杜兰特场均31.2分6.7篮板5.8助攻[–]NuggetsDenim_Chikken 2 points 7 hours agoWhy would he wear adidas? He’s sponsored by Nike. He probably can’t even be seen wearing adidas because of his contract. Also Ants shoes are ugly as fuck掘金球迷:杜兰特怎么可能穿阿迪达斯,他是给耐克代言的啊~因为有合同在身,他可能连瞟一眼阿迪达斯的鞋都不行!况且爱德华兹的签名鞋还丑得一逼! (华子的签名鞋,吧友们怎么看)[–]Elgugugaga 6854 points 10 hours agoThe follow up tweet was even funnier."Meant to send that from the burner account..."Lol球迷:阿迪后面的回复更搞笑!神尼玛“本来打算用小号发”,哈哈哈![–][LAC] Pablo Prigionilolwtferic 677 points 9 hours ago快船球迷:如图 [–]cannotstopdabbing 215 points 7 hours agoThat's an unrealistically short KD's foot球迷:上图里面杜兰特的脚“短”得不真实啊~~~[–][LAC] Pablo Prigionilolwtferic 453 points 6 hours ago快船球迷:已改 [–]ox2slickxo 161 points 6 hours agothat head turn is perfection球迷:华子小脖一扭,一脸懵逼,绝了~~[–]United StatesLets_go_Stros2017 2 points 4 hours agoFUCK YOU FOR BRINGING THAT UP I HAVE PTSD FROM HIS LONG ASSIGNMENT FOOT球迷:草泥马!怎么让我看这个!!我对杜兰特的这双长脚有应激性创伤后遗症啊!!![–]76ersilive12 50 points 6 hours agoThere it is, the toe that won the bucks a championship.76人球迷:来了来了,大家注意看,就是这跟脚趾,帮雄鹿队赢下了一个总冠军!! (2021年东部半决赛抢七大战,杜兰特最后时刻三分踩线,绝杀变绝平。加时输给雄鹿,无缘东决。)[–]CavaliersRealBatuRem 1627 points 9 hours agoHis goofy feet probably wouldn’t fit in shoes made for ants anyway骑士球迷:杜兰特也别急着怼!就他那双大蠢脚,以为能塞进华子的鞋吗?! [–]RocketsRelevant_Rev 455 points 9 hours agoExactly, they need to be at least...three times as big火箭球迷:楼上说得对极了!!要是杜兰特想穿,那鞋至少得做大三倍!![–]HeatBlitzStriker52 1718 points 10 hours agoAdidas intern be standing on business热火球迷:阿迪达斯的00后实习生正在整顿职场!![–]Celtics_korporate 361 points 10 hours agoThat term is really being ran into the ground凯尔特人球迷:这梗真是的要被玩儿烂了…[–]monsieurmacaques 34 points 7 hours agoI have no idea what term you guys are even referring to球迷:你们说的是哪个梗,我怎么听不懂…[–]KnicksConstt-Fi 25 points 6 hours ago"standing on business"尼克斯球迷:“整顿职场”。[–]Clippersduplicatesnowflake 2 points 5 hours agoSome combination of…Won’t take shit from anyone.Will back up their shit talk.Wants and is ready for the smoke.Takes things serious. Takes themselves and their affairs seriously.快船球迷:就是:别人说的一概不听、自己说的一概不负责、非常喜欢制造麻烦、非常敏感爱上纲上线、非常把自己当回事儿的结合体! [–]Raptorsdoublezone 43 points 9 hours agoIf you think Adidas doesn't have an absolute social media genius working there, I don't know what to tell you. That response and follow up was gold猛龙球迷:如果你们还是否认阿迪达斯的社交媒体运营团队中有一位天才,那我无话可说了…他们官推的这几个回复和跟进简直价值千金![–]Informal_Koala4326 32 points 9 hours agoY’all are genuinely slow as hell if you think this is a spur of the moment decision by an intern. The tweet, delete of the tweet, and follow up tweet were all planned by a marketing team. It’s genuinely funny to me people think billion dollar companies are just giving up control to their social media to interns in 2023. They have entire departments and executives for social media marketing.球迷:如果你们觉得阿迪达斯官方账号的这几个回复只是他们实习生的一时脑热,那你们也太迟钝了!从发推、删推、再到跟推,这些动作全都是他们市场营销部门一手策划的!都2023年了,如果你还觉得一家市值几十亿的企业会把社交媒体账号的控制权交给一个实习生,那可就太搞笑了!针对社媒市场营销,这种公司可是会设立专门的部门和高级管理人员去全权负责的啊!! [–]youarenut 5 points 5 hours agoAgree. I choose to believe people say the intern stuff as a joke but some legitimately believe it’s an intern who’ll get fired over this.. there IS no intern in the first place. It’s all the marketing team which is specifically designed to bait people into thinking it’s casual and unplanned.Corps don’t spend millions for bad marketing and interns.球迷:同意楼上的观点!我相信,大家提到实习生,只是把这当一个笑话而已。不过如果这件事真的是一个实习生在瞎搞,那他肯定会被炒鱿鱼的!其实压根就没有什么实习生,从头到尾都是市场营销部门策划的,而且他们让整个事件看上去非常随意,没有任何摆拍的痕迹~~终归企业投入上百万美金的成本,不是用来养实习生或者给失败的市场营销行为买单的![–][SAS] Devin BrownSmellmyhand 146 points 10 hours agoIt’s funny when a brand’s social media gets out of pocket. But jokes need to have a bit of truth to them to be funny. KD looking like he can play 5 more years right now.马刺球迷:看品牌官方账号放飞自我,是很好玩儿~~~但是玩笑也得有一点事实依据才好笑啊~~杜兰特看上去还能打上5年呢,不可能快退役了啊~~~[–]YellowDucky92 186 points 9 hours agoBut that’s not the joke… it’s the burner account球迷:真正的笑点不是这个啦~~~是“上小号”这点~~~[–]HikmetLeGuin 8 points 7 hours agoIt's not really out of pocket though. I'm sure they have focus groups analyzing how they can generate more engagement and this is the sort of thing they've come up with.They probably double check and maybe even brainstorm these "insult" jokes with their managers to avoid posting anything that would really cause offense. Not very authentic球迷:其实他们并没有放飞自我…我可以确定,阿迪达斯有专门的团队在研究怎样拿到更多的生意…而这件事儿就是他们一手策划出来的一个方案。他们和上层很可能经历过反复推敲,甚至头脑风暴之后才想出这些“有点损”的玩笑,并且避免发出不恰当的社媒内容,以至于真正冒犯到别人!眼见不一定为真呐,兄弟们~~ [–]KnicksMelo_Apologist 13 points 5 hours agoI can recognize that this is a marketing ploy and think it’s funny at the same time尼克斯球迷:其实我能看出来这是一个市场营销策略,不过同时也让我觉得挺好玩儿的~~~[–][LAL] Kobe Bryantlucasdice 3 points 5 hours agoToo bad most people can’t these days.湖人球迷:别人笑迪太疯癫,迪笑别人看不穿!如今大部分人都看不穿,悲哀~~~ [–]Jordanwolf98 6 points 8 hours agoAdidas does make some ugly ass sneakers I don’t blame KD球迷:有一说一,阿迪达斯确实做了一些丑出天际的鞋子,我对KD没有什么意见~~~ 来源:Reddit 【来源:直播吧】

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